A simulation model of a non-contact electric motor

Electrotechnology. Electromechanics


Duong D. H.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: ducha1986@gmail.com


The aim of this work is to develop a model of non-contact motors for system of simulation and design of electronic devices OrCAD/PSpice. The models are contributed to automate the design, simulation, and optimization of high-precision actuators according to both the properties of the electronic drive control units and the properties of gears and actuators.
The contactless motor model is based on the principle of electromechanical analogy. To construct the model, we use the standard model of electric components available in OrCAD libraries, such as resistors, inductors, controlled current and voltage sources. For the simulation of interaction of currents windings arranged at different angles with the rotating magnetic field of the rotor, abstract units used performing the calculation of mathematical functions (sine, cosine, square root), also available in standard libraries OrCAD. To perform calculations on values in vector form, additional models were developed.
Adequacy of the model is provided by the analogy of differential equations describing electromagnetic and mechanical phenomena in the engine and differential equations implemented simulation circuitry. Operability of the contactless engine model is tested on the model of the drive.
The model of the engine built in the form of electrical equivalent circuits can be combined in OrCAD with circuitries of control devices such as electromechanical models of gears, loads, sensors in the model higher level of complexity for solving various practical problems (definition of traction properties, synthesis and parametric optimization of control devices, etc.).


brushless motor, electro-mechanical analogy, simulation


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