Intercorporate informational-analytical system of monitoring an enterprise project activity

Economics and management
Ufa Engine Industrial Association, 2, Ferin str., Ufa, 450039, Russia
The aim of the research was to develop a project managing informational system (IS) using Microsoft Enterprise Project Management (EPM) that will realize the interaction between the main project participants. The unified information space created by the system allows to monitor the realization of project stages and accelerates the process of decision-making.
Using theories of structural analysis, system analysis, reengineering of business-processes, an informational interaction model was worked out.
The unified information space formed by the system allows to control the project during its whole life cycle. It accelerates decision-making in case any deviation appears. It supplies the participants with all necessary information about the product, eliminating communicative barriers between them. Thus, the informational system helps to manage the project more effectively. As a result, a technique of creating an informational interaction system was developed, main requirements to the realization of the innovational project financed within the federal-oriented program were put forward.
The practical value of the work is that the informational interaction helps to manage the project more effectively. The background of this work is connected with innovational activity of JSC «UMPO» — the development of a highly-technological product — the components of TV3-117 and VK-2500 engines. The fact is that the successful realization of this innovational project is of state importance. However, it faces a great informational challenge: an intricate nomenclature, complicated nature of the product, space distance between the participants of the project, control limit and many others. It solves a number of problems, including n abundance of information about a product and communicative barriers between participants of the project activity.
intercorporate information system, project management, a single information space, the project life cycleReferences
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