Development of Control System of Autonomous Mobile Robot Based on Voxel Computer

Control and navigation systems


Bimakov E. V.*, Kasimov T. R.

Izhevsk Institute of Complex Instrument Engineering, 90, Maksima Gor`kogo Str., Izhevsk, 426000, Russia



The paper is devoted to building of the control system for high-adaptive and autonomous mobile robots (CSAMR) based on the use of the new software-controlled computer device, so-called voxel computer (VC).
The functioning process of the autonomous mobile robot (MR) assumes continuous monitoring of the MR internal state and space conditions around the robot. The more often such monitoring is performed, the better machine models synthesized by CSAMR reflect real state of MR and surrounding conditions.
The high productivity of VC allows to monitor very large number of the MR sensors within shortest time, to build the current models of the surrounding conditions and the robot itself, to build the model of the «excited» areas of the robot`s «skin» very operatively, and to alert timely about the possible clashes of the robot with obstacles, etc.
The high performance of VC is achieved by using deep parallelization of the operations and procedures most frequently used in the processing of the surrounding scenes and images, namely:
— set-theoretic operations with the objects of surrounding scenes;
— geometric transformations;
— analysis of the objects as possible obstacles when robot moving;
— calculation of the square and volume of the objects;
— determination of the objects’ position in space.
The article provides the block diagram of CSAMR, describes its configuration, purpose and principle of the functioning of the CSAMR separate components. Also, it presents the results of the modeling of VC and CSAMR in order to develop basic technical decisions and to give evidence of their hardware and software feasibility on the example of the MR’s operational model.


high-speed processing, voxel computer, parallelization, pixel, voxel


  1. Bimakov V.A., Bimakov E.V. Patent RU 2289161 C1, 10.12.2006.
  2. Bimakov V.A., Bimakov E.V. Patent RU 2424105 C2, 20.12.2009.
  3. Bimakov V.A., KasimovT.R. Informatsionnye Tekhnologii, 2013, no. 3, pp. 42-47.
  4. Bimakov V.A., Bimakov E.V., Kasimov T.R. Parallel’naya obrabotka n-mernykh piksel’nykh geometricheskikh modelei (Parallel Processing of N-dimensional Pixel Geometrical Models), Germany, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013, 230 p.

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