Verification of numerical model for interaction between rectangular plate with the water surface

Mathematics. Physics. Mechanics


Krupenin A. M.*, Martirosov M. I.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Object: the object of the research is dynamic characteristics of the rectangular plate.
Topic: study of shock interaction during the vertical incidence of a rectangular plate made from homogeneous isotropic material on the liquid.
Aim: to verify the numerical model of interaction between rectangular plate with the water surface. To investigate the influence of different factors on the dynamic characteristics of a rectangular plate with a vertical drop on the liquid.
Research method: dynamic characteristics of a rectangular symmetric plate numerically investigated in the software complex ANSYS AUTODYN, while the resolvent equations are the equations of conservation of energy, momentum and mass. In general, materials have a complex response for the dynamic loading. In ANSYS AUTODYN model of the material is divided into three parts: the equation of state, which expresses the change in the volume, model of strength, which expresses the change in the shape and describes the stress deviator tensor, and the failure model. The solution is carried out by explicit solver. The task is formulated in the plate symmetric coherent formulation, i.e. equations for plates and liquid are simultaneously solved. The influence of the air gap and initial velocity on the plate dynamic characteristics is investigated. The obtained results are processed in software complex Mathcad 14.
Results: the dynamic characteristics of rectangular plate made from homogeneous isotropic material vertically dropped on the water with different initial velocity of interaction are obtained as a result of the work taking into account the gravitational forces and presents or absence of air gap.
Conclusions: The adequate simulation of cargo drop on the water is possible in the software complex ANSYS AUTODYN. From the numerical experiment without the air gap it is shows that hydrostatic pressure is linearly depend on the initial speed. The effect of air gap causes oscillation of the plate and water surface, which leads to their inequal interaction and significantly affects the value of the maximal pressure, however, with the increasing speed of interaction effect of air gap is reduced.


impact, rectangle plat, interaction with liquid, numerical simulation


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