Research of the frequency characteristics of models of the coupling impedance of on-board cables of flying vehicles

Electrotechnology. Electromechanics


Kirillov V. Y.1*, Klykov A. V.2**, Zhegov N. A.3***, Nguyen V. H.2****, Tomilin M. M.2**

1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
3. Moscow Experimental Design Bureau “Mars”, 1-st Shemilovsky lane 16, building 2, Moscow, 127473, Russia



On-board cables of flying vehicles due to their significant length are the most sensitive receptors on exposure to EMI.
Electromagnetic interferences immunity of on-board systems of flying vehicles depends on shielding efficiency of the on-board cables, which evaluated from parameters of the cable shields. The shielding efficiency related with important characteristic of cable shields — coupling impedance (transfer impedance).
Therefore, it is important to provide required shielding efficiency of on-board cables. For this purpose it is necessary on design stage to evaluate the levels of the conductive electromagnetic interferences in inner conductors of the on-board cables, generated by different electromagnetic influences.
The accuracy of evaluation depends on choice of a coupling impedance model. Comparison of known models of coupling impedance of the on-board cables of various types of flying vehicles is the problem that was studied in the paper.
A theoretical part is based on classical electrodynamics and electrical engineering. Also elements of the complex variable theory and operational calculus were used.
The paper presents results of evaluation of on-board cable coupling impedance frequency characteristics, executed with MATLAB. On the basis of results presented a conclusion can be made that accuracy of evaluation depends on model of coupling impedance selection.
Research limitations/implications
The present paper provides a part of research in calculation electromagnetic interferences on-board cables of space vehicles.


on-board cable, flying vehicle, electromagnetic interference, coupling impedance


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  2. Ryder G.H. Strength of materials, Third Edition in SI UNITS, 1969, 197 p.
  3. De Hoff R.T. Thermodynamics in materials science, McGraw-Hill, 1993, 18 p.

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