Airdromes and airports as one of the elements of Russian regional aviation system

Economics and management


Nemoudryi K. V.

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, NArFU, 17, Severnaya Dvina Emb., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia



Low level of equipment and decrease of airdromes and airports, which are the clue elements of civil aviation system along with the air companies and air-traffic management organizations.
Method or methodology of analysis
During the analysis of problem we have collected, summarized and structured the information as well as supplied it with the author’s and expert’s opinion, conclusions and remarks.
Results of analysis
The condition of land infrastructure of small aviation airports is highly unbalanced nowadays. On the one hand there is a serious run-out of basic productions assets, on the other hand there is low level of provision of airports by technical buildings and constructions.
Regional airdromes have the lowest level of provision by technical units nowadays. Their land production base is in condition that doesn’t correspond nor to future neither mostly often to current needs of transportation process. The majority of regional and local airports are in critical condition, part of them has ceased their operation activities.
The airports and airdromes which have ceased their operation activities in the last few years aren’t being used even as alternate airfields.
One of main reasons for such situation around the land base is insufficient investment in maintenance and development of airports. The number of objects financed by the federal budget hasn’t increased in the last years and has remained at the level from 35 to 40 objects.
The main volumes of passengers- and cargo- carrying operations are concentrated in 12 biggest hub airports which don’t allow to fully use the transportation potential of the country.
According to the concept, by the end of 2020 the airdrome network must include more than 500 airports, mainly due to development of regional air-transporting infrastructure.
The airdrome network of Russia must consist of three groups of airports: federal, regional and local airports.
The group of federal airports must include the airports of high social and economic importance for Russia in general, the biggest units of concentration of regional and inter-regional flow as regards the hub airports (for example, Moscow, Krasnodar, Saint-Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Mineralnye Vody).
Regional airports must carry out transportation services between the federal regions of Russia (located in the administrative centers of regions).
The group of local airports must include the airports carrying out transportation services within one region of Russia.
Local airports must be not exceptional but normal for the majority of Russian citizens. The distance between them must not exceed 300 km — by example of American regulations.
The current condition of airdrome network is not able to carry out in full amount and with necessary quality its basic functions in favor of the country and its citizens, it doesn’t promote normal development of aviation business and national security of the Russian Federation.
The problem of development of local and regional transportations is especially crucial in the regions with low level of land transport infrastructure. Failure to take effective measures may lead to irreversible termination of activities by air companies carrying out local and regional transportations, which may lead in its turn to severe social and economical consequences in the regions.


airdromes, airports, civil aviation, regional transportation


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