Transmission of axial-symmetric superficial disturbances in the elastic-porous half-space

Mathematics. Physics. Mechanics


Karpov V. V.*, Semenov A. A.**, Kholod D. V.***

St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbSUACE), 4, 2-nd Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint-Petersburg, 190005, Russia



Thin-walled shells are essential elements of many modern structures in various fields of engineering. The aim of this work is to study the strength of orthotropic thin shallow shells on the basis of a mathematical model, which takes into account lateral shifts, as well as the analysis of obtained results.
Modern materials (reinforced plastics, fiberglass, concrete, etc.) have a pronounced orthotropic property, i.e. material properties in various directions are different. Thus, to calculate the shells made of composite material often used theory orthotropic shells.
To examine the strength of the shell, it is necessary to analyze each loading step of stress-strain state of the structure. If for isotropic structure it is enough to evaluate the stress intensity, then for orthotropic and anisotropic it is necessary to compare the values of all the components of the stress with the limit values.
In this paper the results obtained with the help of geometrically linear version of shell mathematical model using an algorithm based on the Ritz method and iterative processes are presented.
Shown further solutions are obtained by holding the expansion of the unknown functions of 16 members by the Ritz method. Voltage values were calculated on the outer side of the shell.
For a variety of shell structures made of carbon fiber LU-P/ENFB, T300/Epoxy, M60J/Epoxy, T300/976 it is obtained the quantitative characteristics of strength and maximum permissible load required in the design of such structures. Results obtained by using the most accurate mathematical models of deformation of orthotropic shells taking into account the transverse shears. For considered shells, loss of strength occurs when voltage limit compression value achieved along the axis x.
The rapid development of technologies for the creation of composite materials allows to use their unique properties when creating shell structures: high strength, fire resistance, low corrosiveness, ease, etc. The renewed interest in the study of such structures is caused not only by the appearance of new advanced materials, but also by the development of computer technology, which allows to apply fairly accurate, time-consuming numerical methods and computational algorithms , as well as realistic visual technologies to present calculation results. Therefore, research in this area is quite relevant and justifiable work.


shell, orthotropy, carbon plastic, strength, shallow shells, lateral shifts


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