Analysis of HAARP Heating Facility Main Features with Satellite Monitoring

Space technologies


Murlaga A. R.

Central Scientific Research Radiotechnical Institute name of the academician A.I. Berg, 20, Novaya Basmannaya, 105066, Russia



An application of satellite systems for monitoring of the ionosphere from space after its artificial steerable disturbance is discussed in this paper. An arrangement of satellite group for continuous HAARP data acquisition is suggested. To solve the problem of HAARP monitoring, one must obtain an optimum value of a model function for the satellite group. This function depends on a set of variables (number of satellites in the group, quantity of information received from HAARP, an amount of costs, time for the satellite group developing). The purpose of this paper is to elaborate variable that was formerly defined as a set of the following characteristics: periodicity of HAARP activation, parameters of radiated signals (carrier frequency, signal polarization and modulation, frequency of modulation) and antenna array scanning angle. As a result of the investigation, one can see, that only frequency of modulation, periodicity of HAARP activation and antenna array scanning angle are of great importance and must constitute variable, while the other parts should be neglected. Moreover, the latter two have no effect on structure of the group neither on the orbit type, nor on the on-board equipment and are derived automatically if the frequency of modulation from HAARP radiated signal is detected. The variable defined in such a way that allows to optimize the model function and to optimize consequently satellite on-board equipment (now one is able not to use equipment in 2,8 — 10 MHz frequency range), to improve mass-overall characteristics of the whole system and to decrease its price.


ionosphere, ionosphere heating facilities, HAARP, space system for monitoring, natural ELF/VLF antennas


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