Error model in communication channels of automated preparation and start-up systems of space rockets

Control and navigation systems
Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
the paper is devoted to development of mathematical model of information distortion in communication channels, as long as there are no noise stability and data transmission validity requirements for space rockets automated preparation and launching systems. The paper presents an approach to data transfer and hybrid interference simulation process.
the paper considers data transfer through RS-485 communication channel. Hybrid interference is a sum of additive white Gaussian noise and random pulse interference. A change of pulse interference instantaneous amplitude follows the normal distribution law, and pulses occurrence instants of time — Poisson distribution. As a simulation instrument the author uses methods of probability theory, such as formula of total probability, 2-D distribution laws, joint and independent events features, probability densities composition.
The developed model reflects bit error probability dependency upon communication channel parameters and noise characteristics.
Practical relevance: the key parameter to digital data transfer systems noise stability evaluation is a single symbol distortion probability. The developed model can be implemented to form noise stability requirements for communication channels, as well as to develop recommendations on noise-immune codes for automated preparation and launching systems, since data exchange fidelity provides for stability and continuity of space rockets preparation and launching processes.
Originality/Significance: the suggested model has convenient form for future upgrading, as well as testing its adequacy by either computer or full-scale experiment.
automated preparation and launching system, communication channels, serial interface, bit error probability, additive white Gaussian noise, impact noiseReferences
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