The simulation results multilink system the design part control and production of aviation equipment under competitive conditions

Economics and management


Lebedev G. N.*, Dao N. T.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In this paper we continue the investigation of the multi-link control to answer the question — how resources should be allocated among the branches of a similar nature to achieve maximum production efficiency.
The statement of the problem considers management system of an enterprise, consisted, in general, of two manufacturing and two engineering branches, production demand and generate of profits model amid variable profitability. Behavioral model of i-th production branch includes multiplicative control U1. It is also assumed that the main activity of engineering branches takes place during favorable period [0.1T0 — 0.3T0] of positive profitability growth. The proposed engineering branch model, reflecting new production quality improvement X4 is given. Developed and described in [3] product demand model, featuring the fact that sales rate depends, in the first place not only upon quality given by value C1, but also upon its rate of rise with quotient С2 > C1, on condition that С1 + C2 =1.
The task of allocation of funds among several design branches with an allowance for the period of new products design as well implementation regulations of manufacturing application of new production into different production branches is solved. The assigned task is solved in this work step-by-step by means of simulation in MATLAB.
Analysis of aircraft improvement showed that the rate of quality improvement of its individual components varies, and the highest growth of some of them achieved in a short time, while improvement of others could be provided at low rate. A linear model of allocation of funds among engineering branches is obtained. According to it the part of this funds is proportional to the expected quality improvement rate in every branch. To determine the share of funds allocated in whole for design efforts the equation taking into account expected bulk aerotechnics quality improvement rate and increase in its demand rate is obtained.
For the distribution of funds between design units, a linear model (6), according to which the share of these funds is proportional to the expected rate of improvement of quality in every link;
When analyzing the activities of two production units of the enterprise it is found that maximum efficiency is achieved in a competitive environment where in the beginning the first link gradually implements some new components, and the second link is fully transferred to new products after its sales rate becomes higher than the old one.


control, aviation technology, production, design part


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  2. Lebedev G.N., Dao Ngok Tkhai Elektronnyi zhurnal «Trudy MAI», 2013, no. 63, available at: (accessed 08.02.2013).
  3. Lebedev G.N., Dao NgokTkhai. Aviakosmicheskoe priborostroenie, 2013, no. 10, pp. 22-30.
  4. Aleshin B.S., Veremeenko K.K., Orientatsiya i navigatsiya podvizhnykh ob"ektov (Orientation and navigation of mobile objects), Moscow, Fizmatlit, 2006, 422 p.
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