Problems of large space structures creating

Space technics and technology


Melnikov V. М.*, Matyushenko I. N.*, Chernova N. A.**, Harlov B. N.***

Central Research Institute of Machine Building, 4, Pionerskaya st., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia

***e-mail: В


Present-day space projects of large-scale power plants are based on large-scale structures of the frame and frameless implementation. These are solar battery (SB) frames, centrifugal thin film SB, solar sails and reflectors, frame multistage refrigerators and drip emitters, cable antennas. Side-by-side with solar cells characteristics improvement is

Improvement of SB load-bearing panels (frames and substrates) using new composite materials and mechanisms to control their deployment goes side-by-side with solar cells characteristics improvement. American and Japanese solar power stations (SSPS) carcass constructions reach sizes of up to five kilometers.

Rigid frame trusses imbedded in these projects, as well as towing vehicle with a rigid frame size of 400 ´ 400 m solar cell and a capacity of 15 MW meant for an expedition to Mars design study carried out by Keldysh Center together with RSC «Energia» are not based on any experience of creating such large structures in space. The structures of similar scale (stadiums, or supermarkets) have not been created even on Earth surface. The inability of full-scale ground development test and accounting for weightlessness factors as well as deep vacuum impact on structure deployment process are principal rigid frame trusses drawbacks. There are numerous examples of the inadequacy between ground testing without regard to weightlessness and space experiment.

Creating a large space structure with life time of about 15 years with high precision surface and its orientation as well as the existence of such structure in a flow of space debris and meteorites presents rather difficult problem. Centrifugal solar cells have a number of significant advantages over their carcass analogs. They are not sensitive to meteorite hazard in particular, and may find efficient application for space vehicles in wide power range: from satellites with higher energy consumption of 30 ... 50 kW to SSPS with power from 1 to 10 GW. Centrifugal solar cells can be used also for Mars expedition power system, since their feasibility and specific characteristics (kW/kg) 3 to 5 times outperform nuclear power installation. They have no high-temperature loops of fissile uranium; do not require radiation protection; do not lead to disastrous effects in the case of failures; do not require special utilization, as well on-stream serviceable and repairable.

Long-term program of space experiments on the ISS includes the preparation and conduct of the orbital experiment «Banner SB» with centrifugal membrane structure SB 6-kW, hydrogen-oxygen electrochemical storage of electric power and oxygen-hydrogen low-thrust rocket engine. Innovative oxygen-hydrogen concept is widely developed all over the world. It lies in the development of oxygen and hydrogen production system by means of electrolysis of water on orbits, storage systems of these gases, as well as missiles fueling systems developing. Centrifugal SB can serve as an effective basis for future propellants production factories in space, as well as for a wide range of promising applications.


space solar power station, centrifugal fiber lasers, solar pumping, microwave radiation


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  2. Space-Based Solar Power аs an Opportunity for Strategic Security. Phase of Architecture Feasibility Study. Report to the Director National Security Space Office. 10 October 2007. 137 р.
  3. Koroteev A.S. Pilotiruemaya ekspeditsiya na Mars (Manned mission to Mars), Rossiiskaya akademiya kosmonavtiki im. K.E.Tsiolkovskogo, 2006, 320 p.
  4. Semenov Yu.P., Branets V.N., Mel’nikov V.M. Kosmicheskie issledovaniya. 1994, vol. 32, no. 4-5, pp. 186-193.

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