Testing technique for calibration of dual-frequency GLONASS navigation receiver using Kalman filter type

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems
1*, 1**, 2***1. Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, JSC “RSS”, 53, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: vovasov@list.ru
**e-mail: vlavab@mail.ru
***e-mail: S.Gerko@mail.ru
The aim of this work is to study the errors of the estimates of the coordinates of the stationary antenna, geodesic bound to the area. The work was carried out secondary processing of information performed by the Kalman filter type (KFT). As measurements are used pseudoranges L1 and L2 obtained double-frequency navigation receiver Javad GNSS TR-G3T. Taking into account the calibration procedures for the specified receiver is defined by the difference of values of the delays in L1 and L2, with zero litter, and changes in latencies per liter, in the same range. It was considered that information from the slot is missing, however, the calibration parameters allowed to obtain measurement values, which is the difference of the frequency-time corrections not accounted for in the ephemeris.
Dimension processing navigation receiver confirmed the hypothesis of linearity of the instrumental delays and the possibility of determining the frequency-time corrections not accounted for in the ephemeris. The estimates of the coordinates of the KFT offset no more than a few meters for a long service life navigation receiver. In general, experimentally confirmed the correctness of the calibration procedures navigation receivers needed for the navigation to obtain unbiased estimates of the coordinates of GLONASS.Keywords:
GLONASS reciever’s, pseudorange, ionosphere delays, frequency response letter, hardware delays, Kalman filter type, SDCMReferences
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