Practice and scientific research work for bachelors of training orientation "Advertising and Public Relations in aerospace field" and for masters of training program "Public Relations in aviation sphere"

Methods and tutorials


Alekhina O. A.1*, Ukolova L. E.2**

1. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 82, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, 119571, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Purpose: to analyze the features of training of bachelors and masters in advertising sphere and public relations for aerospace field. The article deals with the specifics of bachelors training at «Advertising and Public Relations in aerospace field» and with the specifics of masters at «Public Relations in aviation sphere» in Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). The article analyzes the features of the interpenetration of classroom teaching, practical training and scientific research work of students. It is shown in the article that practice and research work are closely connected with theoretical training, there must be integration of scientific and practice disciplines, theoretical knowledge must be supported by practice skills.

The authors consider the features of contents of training programs for student’s practice and scientific research work of different studying forms, taking into account the modern requests of advertising and public relations sphere and interests of employers that are representatives of aerospace field. The authors think that the estimation criteria of efficiency of graduates are awards from special contests and future professional career of graduates.

Conclusions of the study are applicable to the training of bachelors and masters, studying at «Advertising and public relations» in different institutions of higher education, and for training of graduates, taking into account the specifics of different spheres.


public relations, advertisement, scientific research work, educational training program, training orientation, aerospace field, aviation sphere


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