Autoequalization of errors of navigation sensors nominal strapdown inertial navigation system

Navigation instruments
1*, 2, 1**, 3***1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Technological Institute of Service (Don State Technical University Branch), 1a, Rossiyskaya Str., Stavropol, 355049, Russia
3. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The research subject matter is functioning mathematical models of inertial navigation system (INS) in stand-alone mode operation and of inertial sensor’s errors.
The aim is to increase the accuracy of coordinates determination of the aircraft location under the conditions of absence of information from navigation radio engineering systems.
The relevance of the work consists in continuous toughening of requirements to modern inertial navigation systems regarding increase of their precision parameters, reliability and improvement of operational characteristics.
Feature of the stand-alone mode of functioning the INS is accumulation during all operating time of an error of coordinates determination and angular position of the aircraft. Reduction of rates of increase errors can be executed due to increase accuracy of the sensitive elements of INS, and also accuracy of installation and adjustment. It leads to the essential growth of cost of all flight and navigation complex and labor expenses at INS service.
Methods of autoequalization provide such creation the scheme of INS which compensation of the revolting influences and reduction errors due to not essential changes of the design and modification of algorithm of the functioning system is provided.
Development of onboard computing systems and algorithmic providing the strapdown INS allows to receive high precision of aircraft coordinates determination using gyroscopes and accelerometers of average accuracy.
The results of research of possibility of INS aircraft accuracy increasing are presented in the offered article.
As the main tool during simulation modeling was used the package of applied programs MathLab, by means of which were received optimum parameters of uniform and periodic laws of rotation the block sensitive elements and precision characteristics INS with autoequalization of errors. The results of the comparative analysis of two offered rotation laws are presented. The changes entered into design of INS are proved.
The results of research can be used at modernization of the existing strapdown INS for the purpose of obtaining high precision characteristics of the aircraft coordinates determination with the minimum financial and labor expenses.
strapdown inertial navigation system, block of sensitive elements, law of rotation, gyroscope, accelerometer, simulation modelingReferences
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