Analysis of Local Positioning System Prototype

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Serkin F. B.1*, Vazhenin N. A.**, Veitsel A. V.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Kompany «Topcon Positioning Systems», 7/22, Derbenevskaya naberzhnaya, Moscow, 115114, Russia



Research and development of radio systems, which allow to determine position of a mobile objects originate in the mid-20th century. At present time, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), allowing precise positioning are widely used. However, the positioning task arises not only in the open air environment, but in areas where the satellite signals are severely distorted or are not available, for example, in shops, hangars, deep pits, office buildings, etc. High positioning accuracy by using GNSS becomes difficult in the presence of severe multipath fading or shadowing. But there are local positioning systems that can complement of completely replace the GNSS on a limited area or indoors.

Typically, these systems use time division multiplexing techniques (TDMA) for system transmitters. Currently, the relative or local positioning systems are used widely in practical tasks, which require differential precise positioning from a knowing point. In this paper a mathematical model, describing the local positioning system with TDMA, is presented. Based on this mathematical model the prototype is developed. Prototype is based on software-defined radio technology using Universal Software Radio Peripheral hardware from Ettus Research company. This hardware allows to down- or up-convert signals, perform filtering and stream a very high amount of data to or from general purpose computer. To process this data the state-of-art multithread software was developed for use with Intel Core i7 central processing unit. The experiments with prototype was conducted at the test site. Results of experiments confirm the efficiency and precision of the proposed algorithms of generation and processing signals in the system.


local positioning, prototyping, software-defined radio


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