Computer aided design in the modeling mode of technological processes producing the elements of the flying apparatus constructions

Design, construction and manufacturing of flying vehicles
1*, 2**, 1***, 1****1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,
Pipes with different diameters and various joints as well as pipes with nipples having huge diversity which are composed of the pipes materials are widely used in aircraft construction design. In order to ensure performance characteristics regarding the pipes joints and their parts having wingtips, stringent requirements on tightness, strength, vibration resistance are imposed to guarantee interchangeability and manufacturability. This article is dedicated to a process modeling concerning the development of tubular joints of aircraft constructions by deforming one of the joined tubular parts using pulse magnetic field. In produce of new equipment construction the meticulous development test of technological processes is required, especially when impulsive methods of processing of materials are applied. For this purpose, computer modeling of the deformation process using the modern resources of software is applied.
By using magnetic pulse formation process, it is possible to concentrate the deforming pipe, control according to the parameters at the required zone and the mentioned process provides tight joints. At the same time, it requires precise technological development procedures. Presented results of work on developing method modeling the high-speed mode of the process of producing a magnetic pulse of some tubular structure elements of flying apparatuses.
For this, the solid models of pipeline samples and inductor are developed at first using computer aided design. Solid modeling of construction parts was carried out by using Autodesk Inventor software and simultaneously the HyperMesh package was utilized for generating small grids as well as the geometrical parameters of 3D solid models. To estimate the possibility of formation of tubular part compounds and their welding’s on program LS-DYNA, the modeling process of magnetic-pulse deformation is performed by varying the parameters of the magnetic field generated by the pulsed pressure, geometrical parameters and position of tubular work pieces and characteristics of their materials. By obtaining the solutions, it is possible to determine the final deformation of work pieces, stresses arising in the areas of compounds.
The data obtained from the modeling process allow for developing the required control parameters of parts deformed by pulse magnetic field, designing instruments and forming the required high quality tubular joints of aircraft structure.
pipes, dissimilar materials, welded joints, Permanent joint, magnetic pulse deformation, forming with magnetic pulse field, high speed deformation, computer aided design, solid model, 3D modelingReferences
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