The mean of adaptive control of a military transport plane with by non-parachute landing of heavy cargo

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles
*, **Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
Now there was a requirement of landing of heavy cargo. In the course of the movement of cargo on a cargo cabin of the military transport plane at the time of dropping arises indignation. It considerably complicate piloting and create danger of an exit of parameters of flight out of limits of operational restrictions. The mean of landing from extremely small altitude provides the highest precision of a landing of freights. Extremely small altitude is called transport plane flight altitude at distance between wheels of the released chassis and the Earth’s surface of 5±2 m. Piloting even more becomes complicated because of need of parrying of the destabilizing moments of the earth in close proximity. Now development of digital computer facilities at the high level. Therefore there was an opportunity to solve the specified problem by partial automation of flight control of the military transport plane when landing with use of an adaptive mean of control. For development of a way of adaptive management and carrying out imitating modeling the mathematical model of the difficult dynamic system «plant — cargo» has been created. This model considers mutual inertial interactions of her elements. The mathematical model is realized in the Matlab@Simulink program. Comparison of results of modeling with materials of flight tests has confirmed reliability of the created model. The mean of adaptive management is based on the principle of compensation of external indignation because of fast by change of position of the center of masses when moving cargo. Direct measurement of the revolting moment is inaccessible. It is estimated at rate of control on change of the parameters of flight bearing information on indignation. This assessment is carried out by parametrical identification of aerodynamic characteristics of the plane by means of reference model. Identification of unknown aerodynamic characteristics is made by a recurrent method of the smallest squares. Indications of sensors of parameters of flight are used. Thus the new way of adaptive management of military transport plane at a stage of direct dropping heavy cargo is developed. The mean consists in formation of correcting elevator deviation on the basis of the current identification of aerodynamic characteristics of the plane. The way provides automatic stabilization of angular provision of the plane. There is compensation of the revolting moment. Results of mathematical modeling confirm operability of this way of adaptive management of plant when landing heavy cargo from midget heights. Due to compensation of the revolting moment throwings of kinematic parameters of flight are reduced. It facilitates work of the pilot and will allow to increase maximum weight. Level of safety of flight will be high. This way is offered for realization for the first time as adaptive control algorithms are applied only by maneuverable planes now.
adaptive control mean, the non-parachute landing of a heavy cargo, identification, recurrent least squares methodReferences
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