Comparative analysis of objects with unknown polarization scatter matrix detection algorithms by mathematical modeling technique

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Kalashnikov V. B.

Radiotechnical Institute named after academician A.L. Mintz, 10-1, str. 8 March, Moscow, 127083, Russia



The purpose of the paper consists in obtaining the answer to the question: implementation of what detection algorithms of objects with unknown polarization scatter matrix (PSM) is most effective from the practical point of view.

To achieve the object in view the author compares characteristics of optimal and empirical algorithms. The paper considers herewith either classical detecting procedures (optimal and quasi-optimal), ignoring PSM of an object, or detecting procedures accounting for such uncertainty factor in received polarizing channels as PSM of an object. Detecting characteristics evaluation is carried out using the Monte-Carlo technique. The author considers the cone and cylinder at various aspect angles as typical observed objects models. Based on the carried out analysis, the inference on the effectiveness of the procedures, accounting for the a priori unknown PSM compared to classical procedures, is drawn.

The carried out analysis revealed that optimal detecting rules under complete polarization analysis (CPA), accounting for such uncertainty factors in received signal as PSM, are certainly more effective than the classical ones. Among these rules, accounting for a priori unknown PSM, the optimal detecting rule with CPA and uniform space distribution of the PSM elements appeared to be the most effective. Moreover, despite rather complex technical realization of this rule, its implementation is justified by high efficiency compared to classical detecting rules.


complete polarization analysis, polarization scattering matrix, the optimal detection, detection characteristics, Monte-Carlo method, modeling


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