Analysis of the impact of destabilizing factors on characteristics of acceleration transducer based on optical tunneling effect

Computing and control systems elements and units


Busurin V. I.*, Korobkov V. V.1**, Kazaryan A. V.2***, A. 3, Naing T. L.4

1. Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company «Atomenergoproekt», 3, Pl. Svobody. Nizhny Novgorod, 603006, Russia
2. Central Research Institute of Technology “Technomash”, 4, Str. Ivan Franco, Moscow, 121108, Russia
3. Scientific production enterprise «Temp» named after F.Korotkova, 23, Pravdy str., Moscow, 127015, Russia
4. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In this article the impact of destabilizing factors on the characteristics of acceleration transducer based on optical tunneling effect of the optical transmitter is discussed and an error analysis of the acceleration transducer based on optical tunneling effect is conducted to obtain more accurate information about acceleration. The error analysis of the acceleration transducer is conducted, showing the possibility of construction with small-sized and heat-stable devices for control and correction of gyroscopes. . For the acceleration measurement, a sensor, based on optical tunnelling effect, with the «prism-total internal reflection-plate», can be designed. Under the influence of the acceleration, the central part of the sensing element is deflected and maximum deflection is 0.21µm. This deformation is detected based on optical tunneling effect. To improve the linearity of the conversion function the serves the use of two independent channels of output optical signal detection using an additional prism disposed symmetrically relative to the central part of sensing element. It has been shown that a change in the ambient temperature range from −40 ℃ to + 60 ℃ acceleration transducer error is less than 0.7%. It is shown that the proposed implementation of the acceleration transducer slightly affected by lateral acceleration as well as the maximum lateral force is much smaller than the critical Euler force (within a given range of transverse acceleration). The effect of gas damping for the structure under consideration sensing acceleration transducer element is investigated.


acceleration transducer, four-beam sensing element, tunneling, lateral acceleration, temperature, gas damping, errors


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