A standby instrument system for a high-maneurability manned aerodynamic aircraft

Navigation systems


Il'yasov S. P.*, Kornilov A. V.**, Losev V. V.***

Company “Arzamas Research & Production Enterprise TEMP-AVIA”, 26, Kirov str., Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod Region, 607220, Russia

*e-mail: cer667@gmail.com
**e-mail: kornilov_a@inbox.ru
***e-mail: tempavia@bk.ru


The paper tackles the issues concerning a process of methods and techniques development, meant for increase the quality factors of the high-maneuverability dual-purpose aircraft avionics through enhancing the technical performance of the standby instrument system. The authors proposed, in particular, to employ an electronic integrated standby instrument system, in which the indigenous compact medium-accuracy sensors are used. The distinctive features of the systems are the data communications between the elements, as well as software and hardware tools based on them. It allows measuring the significant number of an aircraft movement parameters, increasing the accuracy of measurement and enhancing the reliability and usability factors. The results of the semi-scale modeling are given with the use of the real-time telemetry under real flights of the high-maneuverability aircraft, ground-based adjustment and flight tests.


integrated standby instrument system, complexation schemes, complex correction, accuracy, reliability, usability


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