Pendulum vertical sensor with relay control

Navigation instruments


Petrukhin V. A.*, Mel'nikov V. E.**



The paper considers the possibilities of stability increasing of a physical of mathematical pendulum to perturbing horizontal accelerations by forming corrective actions on the pendulum from accelerometer and introducing relay control of the compensating signal level. The conducted studies and simulation results authenticate the realizability and high accuracy characteristics of a pendulum vertical reference of such kind. A number of technical applications in the form of control, orientation and navigation problems for aircraft of various classes and purposes can be realized on its basis.

Features and benefits of the proposed pendulum vertical reference (PVR) consist in a sufficiently high accuracy with no accumulated errorsin in time, inherent to the vertical channels in SINS, operating in an autonomous mode.

This article considers one of the VPR channels with a pendulum and correcting accelerometer to identify the specific and basic features of the VPR. The second channel is implemented in a similar way. In addition to previous studies, to extend the capabilities of the VPR, a relay control mode of the pendulum motion in the vicinity of the vertical is proposed to extend the capabilities of the VPR.


pendulum vertical reference, pendulum, accelerometer, relay control


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