Quadrotor group control by variation analytical programming technique

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Diveev A. I.1*, Konyrbaev N. B.2**

1. Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of Russian Academy of Sciences, 44-2, Vavilova str., Moscow, 119333, Russia
2. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, 6, Mikluho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia

*e-mail: aidiveev@mail.ru
**e-mail: n.konyrbaev@mail.ru


The article analyzes an applied problem of area monitoring with a quadrotor group. The problem solves in two stages. At the first stage, the problem of searching an optimal route for each quadrotor is solving. This problem is the problem for travelling salesman group in 3D space, and related to the class of computation tasks of NP-difficulty. Variation genetic algorithm is applicable for such task solving. This genetic algorithm employs the principle small variations of basic solution. All genetic operations perform on the sets of basic solution variations. The rate of convergence of the genetic algorithm depends on the obtained basic solution. At the second stage, the problem of synthesis of quadrotors control to ensure their movement along the routs obtained at the first stage is solving. To solve the problem synthesis of control the numerical symbolic regression method was employed, i. e. method of variation analytical programming, which allows finding mathematical expression for a control function. The arguments of this function are contained in the quadrotor state vector. The control function ensures an optimal mode of quadrotor stability relative to the point in state space.

An example of control problem solution for two quadrotors group is presented.


control system synthesis, method of variation analytical programming, a flying robot, routing task for group of quadrotors


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