Navigation receiver and accelerometers integration for coordinates and orientation evaluation of highly-dynamic objects

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Vovasov V. E.1*, Betanov V. V.1**, Turlykov P. Y.2***

1. Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, JSC “RSS”, 53, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



One of the effective methods of noise immunity improving is implementation of integrated inertial-satellite systems. NAP GNSS with INS integration will allow eliminate the existing shortcomings of each system separately. Typically, integration involves the joint processing of pseudo-range, pseudo-phase and pseudo-velocities, obtained by the GNSS receiver, as well as vectors of angular velocities and accelerations derived with non-stationary Kalman filter, which will be called the Kalman filter type (KFT).

Highly dynamic object is characterized by the presence of jerking while moving. The jerking is customarily understood as the discontinuous change of the third derivative of a coordinate with respect to time. To ensure this requirement it is necessary to employ navigation receiver with signal phase tracking system with the third order astatism. Employing a navigation receiver with conventional second order filter within the system of signal envelope tracking just enough for delay tracking. Since the exact model for integrating equations of orientation is based on the model proposed by Bartram, it complicates the use KFT, as it requires rather complex notation of derivatives in analytical form. The state vector of the filter should include accelerometers’ instrumental error, namely the rate of zero drift and scale factor error of each, which expands the state vector, and thus reduces the potential accuracy. Besides, the use of high-speed gyroscopes requires a priori orientation setting.

In this regard, we suggest using no gyroscopes, positioning accelerometers to the phase center of navigation receiver antenna, and rotating herewith the frame with mounted antenna and accelerometers in a prescribed manner. It is necessary for orientation determining in the event of uniform movement of the object, i.e. when the measurement of the accelerometers is close to zero. Integration of these devices, each of which possesses the ability to determine positioning, gives the system a new feature, namely orientation determining.

In this case, the KFT forming-up with this type of integration does not cause mathematical difficulties, and adaptive KFT element in use allows tracking course maneuvers of the object, while frames rotation allows orientation estimating even with rectilinear and uniform motion of the frame’s center.


global navigation satellite system receiver, strapdown inertial navigation system, Kalman filter type, accelerometer


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