Development of an algorithm of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles evolution for signature reduction

System analysis, control and data processing


Mikhailov N. A.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



For a long time the work has been underway on the development of the systems defending from small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles (SUAV) [1-3]. Modern unmanned air systems are capable of successfully overcoming the enemy’s air defense systems when used singly, [5], but the use of SUAVs group significantly increases the probability of their detection, due to better group’s visibility and less maneuverability compared to a single SUAV. The complexity of SUAV detecting is associated with a small value of radar cross-section (RCS) in radar observation range. In the optical and infrared observation ranges, the small sizes of SUAV complicates their detection as well. However, there is information on developing the control system for enhancing RCS for a group of missiles or UAVs [4]. One of the current problems of multiple SUAV’s application consists in reducing the group’s visibility in optical range when passing the air defense systems. As it is noted in [6], the visibility can be reduced by «reducing of the aircraft size». In this case, regarding the multiple SUAV’s application, we should speak about reducing the total area occupied by SUAV’s group in the image. An appropriate SUAVs group regrouping to reduce its visibility can solve this problem. This paper demonstrates how various groups’ readjustments could reduce their visibility. Various scenarios of the group entry into the scope of the enemy’s air defense systems were considered. A comparative efficiency analysis of various staffed formations was carried out. An algorithm providing for the operational reconstruction of the drone’s group, oriented to implementation using the Pixhawk autopilot was developed. Computer simulation using the model of autopilot and drone, which showed the operability of the proposed algorithm, was performed.


unmanned aerial vehicle, visibility, group control


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