Discrete models of ensuring service areas and automated layout of aircraft

CAD systems


Ye W. T.*, Markin L. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: yewintun590@gmail.com
**e-mail: markinl@list.ru


The article considers the solution of a problem of the instruments automating layout design in the aircraft technical compartments. An additional requirement to the layout is the ensuring of service areas, which is understood as assembling or servicing ease of the equipment. The purpose of this study consists in developing methods and algorithms, providing access to assembly tools and the workspace while installation and maintenance of the already installed equipment.

The gist of methodological approach employed in this study consists in modeling of spatial movements of the equipment necessary for performing maintenance work on this equipment. The set of equipment necessary for its assembling and dismantling (screwdrivers, wrenches, special installation tools etc) is determined for each unit. On its basis the geometry model of this equipment is formed. Further, all necessary movements for both the assembly process itself (such as a wrench rotational motion) and the process of installation tools delivery to the work point are determined. Thus, modeling of this process is rather complicated task of geometric modeling.

Solving method is geometric modeling of both placed objects, and mounting hardware and the trajectory of its motion. Thus, both the mounting hardware and motion trajectory are considered as assembling objects. Intersection with other objects is unallowable. Geometric receptor models, discretizing the installation area, are used a modeling method. Selection of receptor models is stipulated by the fact that a solid-state model of the entire positions of the assembling tools in the course of their delivery and operation is utterly geometrically complex. Based on heuristic algorithms the possible trajectory of assembling tools delivery to its point of use is used. This trajectory represents a solid-state model of the instantaneous movements of the installation tool along the sel ected path.

Based on the receptor computational model the authors developed the procedure for determining the movement trajectory of the installation tools, or the finding of fact of impossibility to service the concrete object, which indicates the poor (low-tech) design decision.

The disadvantage of the receptor geometric model is that it is not a initial model for a design engineer. The initial information for the designer is parametric model containing of the primitive's description and its main parameters values, which can easily determine fr om the drawing. Therefore, the necessity in extra program module “Parametric model”↔“Receptor model” arises. Thus, we can consider receptor model as an “intrаcomputer model”.

The advantage of the receptor model, determining its selection for our studies, is the ease of determining the condition of intersection of geometric objects described by this method, which cannot be described analytically. For instruments in need of servicing three receptor models are being developed: geometric shape of assembling tool, its delivery trajectory to the point of use, and working space where this tool would be used. With this, the database is used, determining the necessary installation tool for each type of the object in servicing. The type of the assembling tool is determined by the type of attachment this object in aircraft structure. The installation tools acceptable for the specified operation are ranked also according to productivity and operational comfort. Thus, the installation tools are checked on workability by preferability. The preferability is determined by productivity and operational comfort of installation tools acceptable for work.

Thus, a solid state geometric object of extremely complex shape lacking analytical description is developed. If this object can be accommodated among the already installed aircraft instrumentation, this equipment can be serviced, otherwise– it cannot be serviced. The possibility of rather easily determining the fact of intersection of all objects of the scene described by receptor models, is the substantiation of selection in our studies of receptor method of geometric modeling.

The authors developed the software in C# implementing the described receptor geometric models allowing evaluate the possibility of servicing the already installed equipment in the aircraft technical bay.


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