The development of kinetic models of the moving plasma. The Einstein coefficients for ion xenon.

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics


Kuli-zade M. E.*, Reshetnikova O. F.**, Skorokhod E. P.***



The study of the flows of a moving plasma, both experimental and theoretical, as well as the fundamental issues of plasmomechanics currently belong to the rapidly developing fields of science, which are used in solving the problems of engine building, rocket and space industry. In particular, the modeling of physicochemical processes is necessary for multilevel kinetics, low-temperature plasma spectroscopy, and optical diagnostics of plasma flows.

Einstein’s coefficients of spontaneous radiative transitions are the main terms of numerous kinetic equations, they are used to construct the state vectors of the plasma under investigation in the processing of spectra.

To compile the kinetic equations themselves, we need a scheme of levels and (what is fundamentally) their grouping, both for the XeI atom and for the XeII ion. The schemes compiled and supplemented in the quantum-defect approximation for the XeI atom and for the XeII ion make it possible to calculate the transitions that are absent in the reference edition [12].

In works from the list cited in [1, 2], on the study of the xenon plasma of the Hollow engine, little attention has been paid to the question: what levels and configurations should be taken into account in calculations. Usually in foreign publications, the averaged blocks are considered using the experimentally obtained constants, the kinetics for the atom, separately for the ion, is separately written. A joint model of the kinetics of excitations of an atom and an ion is not considered.

Calculations of the Einstein coefficients were carried out in the Coulomb approximation. The radial integrals were calculated using the Bates-Damgaard method. The angular dependences of the xenon ion are recorded in the LS – relationship. The values of the oscillator strengths and the probabilities of ~ 1000 radiative transitions of the xenon ion are given.

The averaging of the radiation constants is associated with the determination of the matrix element factor [11] (by adding the moments of dipole transitions). Recommendations are given on the use of tabular data of XeII in accordance with the chosen scheme of levels and configurations taken into account.


xenon plasma, modeling of radiative processes in kinetics, XeII ion oscillator strengths, Einstein coefficients of spontaneous radiative transitions of the XeII ion, photo-transition probabilities of the XeII ion, optical diagnostics


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