Prospects of a three-flow technology application in conditions of supersonic flight

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Ezrokhi Y. A.*, Drygin A. S.**, Kizeev I. S.**, Selivanov O. D.***, Fokin D. B.****

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



The article presents the results of the third loop application possibility estimating to enhance the engine and power plant characteristics in the range of the large supersonic flight speeds. The authors consider various possible options of three-flow turbojet engine schemes with combustion chamber, as well as tackle the issues of the third loop control.

In the course of this work, a new critical unit of the three-flow turbojet engine was revealed. This is a three-flow mixer. The coefficient of total pressure additional losses while mixing was computed for one of its possible designs.

Computations of the two-flow turbojet engine with afterburner with take-off thrust of 98 kN, assumed as a basic, and its possible modification, employing the third loop technology, were performed. Due to the additional losses while mixing significant effect on the characteristics being obtained, computations of a three-flow turbojet engine were performed with the values of the above said losses of 0 and 7%.

Comparative evaluations of characteristics of power plants options with the two-flow and three-flow turbojet engines as parts of a supersonic aircraft were performed. The aircraft take-off weight variation was accounted for in association with the engine weight increase while the rest components remained the same. While meeting the requirements to the equal take-off thrust-to-weight ratio, the computations with various additional losses level in the combustion chamber were performed.

The obtained results demonstrate that application of the third contour technology with all three contours’ streams mixing prior to the combustion chamber potentially allows increase the engine thrust in flight modes with large supersonic speeds (М = 2,2–2,8) and, accordingly, the maximum altitude (ceiling) and flight speed, thereby considerably expand an application range of the gas turbine engine.


dual-flow turbojet engine, third-flow technology, supersonic aircraft


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