Software for probabilistic-guaranteed estimation of aerial vehicle onboard equipment condition

System analysis, control and data processing


Evdokimenkov V. N.1*, Kim R. V.2**, Popov S. S.1***, Galenkov A. A.3****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,
3. Ministry of the industry and trade, 7, Kitaygorodskiy proezd, Moscow, 109074, Russia



The article considers the purpose, functionality and architecture of the aircraft systems condition post-flight monitoring software. The program was developed for calculating the probabilistic estimates of aircraft systems technical condition and decision making on further aircraft safe operation. The program employsflight recorders data as primary information for analysis and relational database to accumulate pre-processed flight data, but it allows processing data stored in .xls and .txt files as well. Methods and algorithms used in the software under consideration are based on conception of the aircraft system reference pattern, which presumes the system representation by the reference set of points in the state space of parameters. The reference patterns are to be formed for each flight phase of the exact aircraft. Using the points appropriate to normal aircraft system operation, the reference patterns can be represented by the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the Mahalanobis distance from the center of the pattern to each point of the reference set. The program allows select a set of flights and the flight phase to create the etalon set of points and calculate Mahalanobis distance CDF. To make a decision on the current condition of the exact system the probabilistic criterion (quantile) is computed after each flight using Mahalanobis distance CDF. The program package architecture is based on the «Layers» software pattern and includes three layers: presentation layer, business layer and database layer. The considered software may be useful as an additional tool for maintenance specialists during the whole aircraft operation period.


onboard system, state estimation, probability-guaranteed approach, reference pattern


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