Architecture of prospective onboard equipment control complexes

System analysis, control and data processing


Polyakov V. B.1*, Neretin E. S.2**, Ivanov A. S.3***, Budkov A. S.4****, Dyachenko S. A.*****, Dudkin S. O.

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3. Integration center branch of the Irkut Corporation, 5, Aviazionny pereulok, Moscow, 125167, Russia
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Avionics of a modern aircraft is developed in accordance with the integrated modular avionics (IMA) concept, based on a common computing platform and an open network architecture. With this approach, the functions of aircraft systems (for example, flight management, stall warning, etc.) are allocated to logical sections, i.e. functional software. It is located in one or several physical modules (unified in terms of design), which are set in a common housing, i.e. a crate. Based on the IMA concept, avionics was realized on a number of aircraft, such as, MC-21, Boeing 787, Airbus A380, F-35, Su-57.

Additional advantages are provided by implementing the Distributed IMA approach. In this case, it is possible to dispose the modules in separate blocks outside the crate in the places of concentration of the onboard units and sensors. This approach allows reduce the weight and size of the cable network; increase the noise immunity of the transmitted data, and system reliability in total.

Some modern aircraft employ control systems of common aircraft equipment, which allow realize computer functions of a number of aircraft systems (such as hydraulic system, system of doors, hatches and emergency gangways, parking brake system) in a single block. Data reception from sensors, and instruction issue to actuators is performed by information input-output devices, distributed all over the aircraft. Application of the aircraft equipment control system provides the time and material expenses reduction at every stage of the aircraft life cycle due to enhancing functions of the software together with the number of computing units’ reduction, i.e. system function integration in one computing unit.

The architecture of the perspective control system for onboard equipment based on the distributed IMA concept is proposed. With increased reliability this architecture can significantly reduce the material and time expenses of onboard equipment development, maintenance and modernization. Also, the architecture of the complex components, namely, onboard equipment control module and data conversion module was proposed.

This complex was designed for performing functions with the assigned FDAL (Function Development Assurance Level) “A” (the aircraft function loss is classified as catastrophic) in accordance with the ARP4754A Standard.

To achieve this goal, the development process described in RTCA DO-178, DO-254, and DO-297 was implemented. These documents set the software and hardware development process requirements for onboard equipment of civil aviation.


aircraft onboard control system, integrated modular avionics, data conversion module


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