Probabilistic analysis of ultra-jet hydro-physical technologies effectiveness

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics


Golubev E. S.1*, Mugla D. R.1**, Barzov A. A.2***, Sysoev N. N.2****

1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
2. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia

****e-mail: nn.sysoev@physics,


The article considers comparative effectiveness of various scientific and applied approaches to the study of ultra-jet hydro-physical technologies. The possibility of effective construction of a probabilistic simulation apparatus was demonstrated on a concrete example of determining an optimal length of a nozzle, forming the cutting abrasive-liquid jet. The results of this problem solving by simulation using Monte Carlo method, supplemented by direct experimental studies are presented. Prospects for the development of the proposed approach in the field of analysis of ultra-jet hydro-physical technologies are outlined.

The high labor-intensiveness and cost of the direct experimental analysis of the effectiveness of various operational ultra-jet technologies (UJT), as well as the search for optimal modes of their implementation in production conditions are the reasons for the need to develop the apparatus for theoretical study and mathematical modeling of the interaction of ultra-jet (UJ) and the material being processed. Besides, the task of creating appropriate engineering methods for express determination of rational conditions for ultra-jet treatment of materials and liquids, in particular, by the acoustic emission method is topical. In this regard, we formulate in short form the main options for analyzing and optimizing the physical and technological parameters of UJT designed to ensure their low-cost determination at the early stages of technological production preparation. We will herewith accoinput unt for interconnection of physically dominating UJT processes, in particular, fatigue-discrete US-erosion of the machined material or a solid-state target with input physical characteristics of various operational UJT and their output parameters.


ultra-jet technologies, acoustic emission, finite elements method, ultra-jet, focusing hydro-abrasive nozzle, abrasive, hydro-abrasive machining, focusing tube


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