Assessing the channel wall deformation impact on the gas flow structure in combustion chamber

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
One of the most pressing problems in the design of large multichannel combustion chambers of power plants with high-speed flow is the study of the flow process in the channel and the channel walls and flow interaction. Several experimental studies demonstrated that braking in rectangular channels of high-speed flow could vary greatly from the flow in a cylindrical pipe. The article deals with calculation and theoretical study of the flow of high-speed airflow in a rectangular channel with deformed inner wall. It assessed the changes in the nature of the flow of gas flow in a rectangular channel in the presence of deformations of these sections under the impact of thermal and force loads. In this article, the authors used the finite volume method, based on the system of Navier-Stokes differential equations. The model of the shear stress (Shear Stress Transport), which is a combination of k-ε, k-ω models was used. This combination of models allows calculate both the flow of the wall-adjacent layer, and the free flow at sufficient level away from the walls. The wide application of the SST model allowed adapt it for most flows, including the stationary problems solution at large Mach numbers. The numerical studies of the large multi channel combustion chambers with high-speed flow revealed that the deformation has a predominantly undulating shape. For this purpose, design models of cut-off wedges with a deformed surface were developed. The cut-off wedges were placed in the calculated volume, through which the heated supersonic gas flow proceeded. The design model consisted of two volumes: 1 – the volume simulating the air flow, 2 – the compartment wedge.
Conclusions on the deformed surface impact on the flow structure were made. Numerical studies revealed the presence of local zones in which shocks occurred.
channel wall, supersonic flow, Navier-Stokes equations, cut-off wedgeReferences
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