Application specifics of electrically driven units in an aircraft power plants

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Legkonogikh D. S.1*, Golev I. M.1**, Preobrazhensky A. P.2***, Zelenin A. N.3****

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Voronezh Institute of high technologies, 73a, Lenina str., Voronezh, 394043, Russia
3. UEC-Klimov, 11, Kantemirovskaya Str., Saint-Petersburg, 194100, Russia



The article analyzes the work on the creation of electric drive units for aircraft and propulsion systems. The trends of gas turbine engines electrification are presented, the most important of which is replacement of mechanical and hydraulic actuators of propulsion unit by electric ones. The article demonstrates that application of electrically driven units in gas-turbine engine systems has a number of advantages associated with reduction mass and size parameters reduction, reliability increase, combat survivability and other operational properties of aircraft power plants. However, the effective implementation of these measures requires solution of some problematic issues of the development of onboard electric energy sources with high specific power. The review of domestic and foreign developments of electrically driven units for existing and prospective aircraft engines is presented. One of the possible options of fault-tolerant structural scheme of the fuel system of a twin-engine aircraft power plant with electric fuel pumps is proposed. This structural scheme will allow performing partial or full restoration of the fuel system in case of operational failures occurrence, as well as in the case of combat damages. The inference was drawn that at present application of electric drive for the units of relatively low power was most expedient.

For actual mass introduction of electrically driven units to aircraft systems it is necessary to carry out further works on assessing the possibility, feasibility and effectiveness of these measures.


power plant, gas-turbine engine, electrically driven unit, fuel pump, automatic control system


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