The first step of the automated training system

Information and measuring and control systems


Arevshatyan E. S.*, Pavlova N. V.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article presents the students testing system model developed using the expansion and addition of the classical methods of knowledge assessment of the students. It is applicable for effectiveness analysis.

It is applicable for the effectiveness analysis of mastering of the passed through material, both by students and tutors. The system is realized based on the client-server architecture using basic web client templates and a server part of Apache. It is developed as the first step of automated information processing system with developing structure.

It was required to develop the first step of the developing automated system of the university training of the students mastering the program of disciplines for the specialties, associated with aircraft onboard equipment development. At this stage, the tasks of development of the program and algorithmic provision were set and solved. They allow:

  • Provide information on the studied course, both at the level of the simplest concepts, and in the form of methodical grants;

  • Store information on the contingent of students and their steps on mastering the discipline materials (with assessment of the progress);

  • Present results of work with system at users request according the level of access both to the students, and the tutor.

Due to the structure selection and used software the system is implemented as the developing automated system and intended for operation within the network using of client-server architecture, based on the JavaScript programming language and the Apache server, and MySQL databases

Method of written tests supplemented with further mastering of materials at the conceptual level is used in the first stage of system.

The results on the program development and algorithmic provision for the first stage of the developed automated training system are presented.

The system imitation model with two levels of data access (the teacher and students) and two levels of didactic material granting is developed both in the form of tests and in the form of the text.

It is advisable to consider also application of the kernel of the created system for developing various training systems for operators of commercial unmanned aerial vehicles.


model, the automated training, knowledge assessment, testing, estimation tools


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