Planning automation of production process at aircraft building enterprise employing a digital replica

Automation of technological processes and production control


Gusev P. Y.

Voronezh State Technical University, VSTU, 14, Moskovsky prospect, Voronezh, 394026, Russia



The problems of production processes planning of aircraft building enterprises are of particular relevance. There are many software products based on theoretical planning concepts, such as CRP, APS, MES to solve such problems. However, such software do not ensure adequate feedback with production, which does not allow respond promptly to deviations from the plan. The purpose of this work consists in searching for possible solutions to ensure the operational control of the production plan implementation and its optimization. To achieve this goal, a decision was taken to apply a digital production replica, based on a simulation model.

A working plan developing for a production unit employing a ready-made simulation model is not a time-consuming task. However, while application of such plan, a lot of difficulties occur. Primarily, there is the problem of shift daily tasks preparing. The second problem arises with the impossibility to fulfill the developed plan. To solve such problems, the author proposes to employ an automated planning system using a digital replica of production. The two software clients have been developed to ensure interaction of the digital replica with the planning department and manufacturing facility’s level of production. The software client of the planning department allows prepare plans automatically for the enterprise production processes. The software for manufacturing facility level can encompass all employees of the enterprise. The information terminals provide an automatic transmitting of the shift daily tasks to the manufacturing facility level.

The proposed automated planning system demonstrated high accuracy in complex application. For example, when planning production processes at a workshop for the parts production from polymer composite materials, the digital replica contained information on the entire production system. Thus, when developing a working plan for one of the sections, all possible paths of material flows intersection of the other sections were computed. Use of automated planning of production processes of the workshop for the production of parts from polymer composite materials has significantly improved the accuracy of calculating the timing of the finished product.


digital replica, simulation, aircraft building, planning


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