Gas injector geometry changing impact on the fuel jet spread angle

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics


Baklanov A. V.1*, Makarova G. F.2, Vasil'ev A. A.2**, Nuzhdin A. A.2

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia
2. Kazan Motor Production Association, 1, Dementyeva str., Kazan, 420036, Russia



Ensuring of qualitative fuel supply to the combustion chamber primary zone is an important process affecting the fuel burn-up characteristics. Thus, the injector structure impact study on mixture, spread angle and fuel jet flow structure is an actual problem.

The article considers the combustion chamber injector of the NK-16ST gas turbine engine as the subject of research.

The injector contains a screw in its structure serving fuel swirling device, which allows classify it as a centrifugal gas injector.

This work performs research work on studying changes of a swirled fuel jet supplying method impact on the angle of fuel spray cone forming. For this purpose the installation was developed. Injector and flame stabilizer with a swirler, to which compressed air is supplied, are being fixed in the working section of the installation. The installation structure makes provision for separate control of the compressed air supplying to the air and gas pipelines.

A small metal balloon filled with aluminum powder to admixture it to the air is installed in the fuel line for the flow pattern visualization. A screen with the graduated scale is being installed to fix the spread angle of gaseous fuel and spread angle axial line shifting behind the injector

The results of the study allowed reveal that changing the distance between the screw and injector output section did not significantly affect the opening angle of the swirled jet, while the diameter change of aperture in the injector output section affected significantly the opening angle of the swirled jet. Flow characteristics of injectors were plotted. Structural measures allowing affecting the cone angle of the gaseous fuel and hence forming the necessary fuel burning process parameters were determined.


gas-turbine engine, combustion chamber, nozzle, spray angle, test bench


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