OpenFOAM software verification using seaplane gliding modelling problems

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics


Varyukhin A. N.*, Ovdienko M. A.**

Company «TrimSystems», 81, Dekabristov str., Kazan, 420034, Russia



Drag force, seaworthiness and gliding stability of marine aircraft, including seaplane, amphibious aircraft and ekranoplan are the main characteristics which define their operational capability. Currently, the hydrodynamic layout development is being performed by the towing tests of dynamically scaled models. The reliable design procedure for hydrodynamics and seaworthiness performance determining could have allowed decrease the number of experiments and increase their efficiency. For this purpose, the open source computational fluid dynamics toolbox (OpenFOAM) verification was performed for hydrodynamic gliding and fast water entering problems

The test study was performed based on several experimentally validated typical problems. The keeled plate gliding on a partial and full width, keeled body on a regular wave, keeled plate water entry, and gliding with a stern interceptor are among them.

A comparison of the experimental and numerical results revealed that OpenFOAM accurately simulates the flow pattern and free surface of keeled planning plate. It also replicates the lift force and pitch moment (within the limits of the experiment accuracy). Unfortunately, the match of computational and experimental results for the drag force was no achieved. In general, this accuracy level can be considered as satisfactory for the certain class of problems where the drag force determining is not principle.

Further, it is necessary to perform parameters variation of the turbulence model, computations with more detailed computational grid, as well as perform simulations without the near-wall functions in the boundary layer etc.

A good agreement of computational and experimental values of hydrodynamic lifting force acting on flat-keeled body while its passing through the series of regular waves was achieved. A close agreement for both flow patterns and hydrodynamic lifting forces, acting on the bodies, was achieved while modelling the water entry by four different keeled bodies. A good agreement of additional lifting force and drag force was obtained while gliding modeling of a flat-keeled plate with stern interceptor.

As a conclusion, it can be recommended to apply the OpenFOAM open source software for obtaining the hydrodynamic lift force and the moment acting on the body while gliding and entering the water in steady state and transient cases. It is necessary perform additional studies to determine the drag force of gliding bodies accurately.


seaplane, hydrodynamic gliding, numerical modeling, seaworthiness


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