Ensuring scalability and specified fault tolerance level of robots control systems

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-19


Romanov A. M.

MIREA — Russian Technological University (Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies), 78, Vernadsky prospect, Moscow, 119454, Russia

e-mail: romanov@mirea.ru


The article studies the issue of scalability and fault tolerance ensuring of robot control systems. Based on the analysis of the existing approaches in robotics, a set of techniques is proposed for ensuring the required fault tolerance level, as well as a control system scaling model based on them, which allows employing unified design principles for robots of various sizes and purposes. Creating and scaling robots according to this model allows maximal employing of all previously obtained results, and accelerating creation of the new market-ready products and their upgrade in the future. The model simplifies significantly conversion between various robotics areas including industrial, mobile, aerospace etc. In the course of the conceptual model description the author formulates further trends of research necessary for its realization. The suggested concept fully serves the Industry 4.0 ideology, when specialization of each product with preserving the fast time of its market entry rather than the possibilities of mass serial production, even customized, comes to the foreground.


robotics, fault tolerance, scalability, component base, control system


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