Parameters formalization of adaptive protection system for automated communication control system

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-112-17


Philatov V. I.1*, Bonch-Bruevich A. M.1**, Khokhlachev E. N.2***, Borukaeva A. O.1****, Berdikov P. G.1*****

1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
2. The Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Troops after Peter the Great, 8, Karbysheva str., Balashikha, Moscow region, 143900, Russia



The article analyzed the theoretical model of the system for protection of the automated communication control system (AССS) against accidental hazardous impacts, representing a threat to the aircraft control systems. The tasks for realizing systematic approach to solve the problem of ensuring the ACCS adaptive protection.

The simulation model for the AССS protection against hazardous impacts, employing the queueing theory, is considered. The article analyzed the properties of simulation modelling systems, namely GPSS World. The article presents also a mathematical model of the protection system and reviews the functions of its components.

The article used Kendal-Basharin representation for formal presentation of various options of the AССS protection organization against hazardous impacts. Model restrictions, which represent a function of loss for the untimely users requests compliance were considered

The task of the most rational organization of the ACCS functioning was put forward in the article.

From the performed analytical work the inferences were drawn that it was not rational to use the method of simple sorting of all possible options to obtain the optimal option of the ACCS adaptive protection system. There is a necessity to employ a combined algorithm of the directional search with the penalty of randomness together with static tests.

The topic of this work relevance is stipulated in the first place by the necessity to develop new methods and ways for the ACCS protection from the hazardous impacts, used for the aircraft control, for example, in case of the control interception prevention.


automated communications control system, protection system, malware, queue system, protection mechanism, servicing instruments, simulation, queueing theory


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