Mathematical Model of Active Jamming Station Functioning
DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-07
*, **Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia
The article regards a model of the onboard active jamming station (AJS) functioning, algorithms for penetrating jamming suppression in a «compensation» way, compensation and modulation control algorithms while the penetrating jamming suppression in conditions of incomplete information on the radio waves propagation channel characteristics.
The AJS generalized mathematical model describes the operation of the radio waves radio channel along the object of the station location, the received useful signals and penetrating jamming. The following assumptions were accepted while the model developing:
— radio channel of the radio waves propagation is linear, since nonlinear electro-physical effects, caused by the object surface irradiation are smallish and can be neglected due to relatively small values of the AJS radio signals
— radio wave propagation along the object from transmitting to the AJS receiving antenna occurs over a number of ways (a multipath propagation character);
— the number of ways, electric length, damping and phase incursion are a priori unknown, and changing rapidly;
— while radio waves propagation along the object of the AJS accommodation, it is being delayed at each way of propagation proportionally to its length, which leads to the uncontrolled changes of the penetrating jamming phase and amplitude.
The article presents equations describing time and frequency properties of various realizations of the useful receiving radio signal. It is shown that amplitude and initial phase of the received radio signal fluctuate randomly due to the changes of radio waves propagation conditions.
When mathematical model developing of the penetrating jamming suppression mechanism, the fact of the low efficiency of classical algorithm, stipulated by the fact that compensation occurs at the very high carrying frequency of the radio wave radiated by the AJS, was accounted for.
The authors proposed to reduce the effect of negative facts on the effectiveness of penetrating noise suppressing by synthesizing a compensation oscillation from the components of the AJS’s emitted oscillation at frequencies arising due to its additional modulation. For this, penetrating jamming was separated into such components. To eliminate spectrum distortion of the receiving signal, when the filter extracted the jamming components, a criterion for modulation frequency selecting was introduced. This allowed utilizing a system of the 2n bandpass filters separating the penetrating noise into the components. To isolate the receiving radio signal from the received mixture containing penetrating noise, the authors proposed to employ a separate filter with central frequency matching the tuning frequency of the AJS receiver. The output signals are converted by a quadrature (synchronous) detector to obtain complex envelopes of interference in each filtering channel.
The article proposes the algorithm for synthesizing a complex envelope of the compensated oscillation from the complex envelopes of frequency components of the penetrating jamming. Compensating oscillation is being restored from the complex envelope by modulating harmonic oscillation in the quadrature modulator. A generalized structural diagram of the compensation method for the penetrating jamming suppression is described.
The algorithm for compensating oscillations forming was presented in the matrix form. Equations for the generalized linear algorithm for forming both the compensation oscillation and a value of power of the non-compensated residue of the jamming were suggested. This algorithm can be implemented in digital form using an ADC and a signal processor.
To optimize parameters of the proposed algorithms, the authors propose to develop a computer mathematical model of the penetrating jamming suppressing process at the input of the AJS receiver.
mathematical model, radio signal, penetrating jamming, suppression algorithm, active jamming station, suppression efficiency, selection criteria, modulation frequency, filter, synthesis, compensating oscillations, matrix form.References
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