Unified software platform for develop of multi-agent models of orbital spacecrafts constellation

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-123-22


Privalov A. E.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

e-mail: vka@mil.ru


The article proposes a unified software platform designated for multi-agent models developing of orbital spacecraft constellation with various target purpose. Mathematical model of the software platform was developed at a high abstraction level, ensuring a generalized description of orbital spacecraft constellation operation, regardless its target purpose and life cycle stage. Besides, the basic systems of coordinates, employed in the spacecraft ballistics, as well as function of transition between them were defined in the space of the model functioning. These specifics allow considering this mathematical model as a basis for the multi-agent models of the orbital spacecraft constellations of various target purposes. The object-oriented model based on the mathematical model in the form classes diagram, ensuring the platform program realization, was developed in the UML language

The software platform has realized in the Python programming language in the form of two packages, containing a set of classes and methods for developing multi-agent models of orbital spacecraft constellation with certain target purpose. Besides the program platform, such model should include the following modules: user classes library, which are the platform subsidiary classes, reflecting the target purpose of the spacecraft constellation; the experiment control subsystem, and information analysis and display subsystem.

The unified software platform may be implemented as a core for the multi-agent models developing of orbital spacecraft constellations with various target purposes. A high abstraction level allows creating models with various degrees of detail, corresponding to the life cycle stage of the orbital spacecraft constellation, keeping herewith the unity of the model, methods and algorithms.


multi-agent model, orbital spacecraft constellation, object-oriented model, software platform


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