Experimental investigation of the multi-signal time-frequency parameters estimation accuracy in the digital receiver with sub-nyquist sampling

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-123-15


Podstrigaev A. S.*, Smolyakov A. V.**

Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI”, 5, str. Professora Popova, Saint Petersburg, 197376, Russia

*e-mail: ap0d@ya.ru
**e-mail: andreismolyakow@gmail.com


The modern cognitive radio systems and the spectrum monitoring devices used in spectrum management have to perform wideband signal analysis. One of the ways to achieve a wide instantaneous analysis band is to use a multichannel sub-Nyquist receiver. Such a device receives signals from the many Nyquist zones and analyzes their aliases in the first zone. By aggregating information from the several independent channels having different sampling frequencies, it can disambiguate frequency measurements. However, due to such a receiver’s extensive analysis band (up to several dozen gigahertz), time overlaps of the input pulses become inevitable and regular events. Therefore, investigating time-frequency parameters estimation accuracy in the sub-Nyquist receiver processing multi-signal input gains great importance. The particular interest arouses the case in which the input signals are in distant Nyquist zones.

To perform the described investigation, we developed and built a sub-Nyquist receiver prototype. As a source of the input for the prototype, we used two microwave signal generators connected to the prototype through the microstrip power combiner during the experiment. The first generator formed a pulsed signal and swept its carrier frequency, and the second generated a continuous unmodulated signal with a fixed frequency. We chose the frequencies of these two signals, so they were several Nyquist zones far from each other, but their aliases in the first zone were close.

The experiment showed in the example of 1 microsecond wide pulses that the frequency estimation accuracy remains almost the same in the cases of one-signal and multi-signal input. However, the pulse width estimation error grows significantly for the multi-signal input due to the receiver mixing-up signals having close aliased frequencies. At the same time, the effect disappears entirely if the signals’ aliases are 20 MHz or farther from each other.

Nevertheless, we consider the errors estimations and the receiver’s frequency resolution obtained using the prototype enough for the vast majority of the wideband analysis tasks. Moreover, further errors reduction is possible through a run-time changing of the sampling frequencies and the fast Fourier transform width, and through the SDR techniques. Such techniques may include post-processing based on signal accumulation, software-defined processing methods, and tunable band-stop filters at the receiver input suppressing the powerful interfering signals.

It is also worth noticing that most of the described in the paper effects related to the processing of the multi-signal input do not result from any inherent properties of the sub-Nyquist receiver. One can equally observe the same effects in the receivers with narrowband signal processing.


sub-Nyquist receiver, undersampling receiver, undersampling, wideband receiver, spectrum monitoring receiver, spectrum management, cognitive radio, frequency estimation, pulse width estimation


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