Features of cross-platform mobile applications development using Xamarin

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-125-21


Kuznetsova S. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: k_svetlana_valen@mail.ru


Today, the development of mobile applications is one of the most actively developing sectors of the IT industry. In this regard, there are many projects for the development of applications on mobile platforms.

Digital transformation in the aviation industry covers the production of aircraft, as well as passenger and cargo transportation. As for transportation, the work of airlines, airports, interaction with passengers, customers of cargo transportation, the functioning of a unified air traffic management system deserves special attention.

One of the technological trends actively developing today in terms of digitalization of the aviation industry is the development of mobile applications for aviation, including aircraft construction, air transportation and airport services.

Mobile applications provide significantly faster access to data and are an effective means of interaction regardless of the user’s location. For example, they provide quick access to technical information and direct data entry, optimizing engineering and production processes.

The classic version of mobile application development is native development, in which a separate application is developed for each operating system (OS), which is quite expensive and time—consuming. An alternative is a cross-platform technology, the main purpose of which is to provide developers with a tool for parallel creation of applications for multiple operating systems at the same time. This will allow them to write a single source code for several mobile platforms, but the result of each individual build will be separate executable files. Obviously, cross-platform development is needed to optimize the cost and speed of development, as well as application support. At the same time, the output result is no less qualitative than with native development. Currently, there are the following most popular cross-platform frameworks: Xamarin, React Native, Flutter, and NativeScript. They are very different and not in all situations will be equally useful (or even necessary in principle).

The article discusses the technology of developing cross-platform mobile applications Xamarin: the principles of developing cross-platform mobile applications using it are outlined, the main features provided to developers within this approach, its advantages and disadvantages are presented. A range of issues related to the design, implementation and testing of mobile applications is considered: the use of the MVVM architectural pattern, the XAML markup language to describe the user interface, a possible development environment.

A methodology for creating cross-platform mobile applications on the Xamarin platform is presented, containing a brief, consistent and comprehensive description of all stages of development.


mobile application, cross-platform development, operating systems (OS), Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad), Google Android, Xamarin technology, Xamarin.Forms, C# language, XAML markup language, MVVM design pattern (Model/View/ViewModel), Development environment, Visual Studio 2019, Visual Studio для Mac и Xcode


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