The problem of planning the reconfiguration of the motion control system of a small space vehicle for remote Earth sensing under the conditions of the unknown cyclogram of its functioning

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-126-18


Pavlov A. N.1*, Umarov A. B.1*, Kulakov A. Y.2, Gordeev A. V.1*

1. Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2. Saint Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia



Of particular importance at the present time in the development and operation of small spacecraft are the issues of ensuring the required degree of autonomy and survivability, as well as increasing the efficiency of the small spacecraft in various environmental conditions. The relevance of solving these problems for small observation spacecraft is caused, on the one hand, by the peculiarities of the orbit on which this type of spacecraft operates, and on the other hand, by the lack of the possibility of timely control in the event of emergency situations on board the small spacecraft. To ensure the autonomy and survivability of a small spacecraft, it is necessary that it be in working condition for a maximum time or quickly restore its working capacity. That is, it is necessary to be able to change (rebuild) the structure (structures) of the small spacecraft in various environmental conditions in order to maintain the required level of performance. In practice, when solving problems of ensuring reliability, survivability, disaster tolerance and fault tolerance of complex technical systems within the framework of the currently developed theory of structural dynamics control, such a variant of managing the structures of a complex technical object as reconfiguration has become widespread.

This article proposes a method for solving the problem of planning the reconfiguration of a complex technical object based on structural and functional reconfiguration under the conditions of an unknown cyclogram of the activation of the complex technical object operating modes. A computational experiment was carried out on the example of a small spacecraft for remote sensing of the Earth «Aist-2D».


cyclogram of functioning, "blind" and structural-functional reconfiguration, parametric genome, complex multi-mode object


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