Features of the use of simulators of multifunctional indicators in the process of personnel training

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-128-23


Knyazev A. S.

Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, 135, Dzerzhinskiy str., Krasnodar, 350090, Russia

e-mail: agent-483@yandex.ru


Cabins of modern types of weapons and military engineering are equipped with multifunctional indicators (MFI). Training personnel to work with the MFI is necessary; however employing costly complex simulators for this purpose leads ineffective exhaustion of their resources. Working with the MFI allows laying the route of movement, entering coordinates of targets, landmarks and radio-beacons, The MFI employing allows the crew to solve the tasks of navigation and combat employment. With this regard, more attention should be paid to learning how to work with the MFI while mastering modern types of aircraft.

The best way of learning is application of real equipment or a complex simulator of the air force cabin, however, this may lead to inefficient exhaustion of their resource. There is a generally accepted practice of employing units, devices and systems dismantled from decommissioned samples of military equipment in training sessions. However, the MFI removed from the military equipment cannot be employed without special equipment (power supplies, computers, sources and signal converters). Thus, it is advisable to use MFI simulators, in which the functions necessary for the training goals achieving, for the studies instead of real MFI. They may be employed at both theoretical stage of the studies and practical training. Besides, the MFI simulators may be employed in the beginning of the simulator training to work-out check-ups and data entering, to relieve partially the costly complex simulator from these tasks.

The article considers the issue of the MFI simulator application expediency while cadet-pilots training for the DA-42T aircraft.

The IBM 4820 monitor, the closest in size to the real MFI of the DA-42T aircraft, is selected as the basis of the developed MFI simulator. The SimInTech program, designed for technical systems modeling, was chosen as the software for the of information frames reproduction and development on the MFI. The full-scale mockup of the DA-42T aircraft cabin was developed with the developed MFI simulators.

Application of the MFI simulator and cabin layouts on their basis in training sessions ensures the achievement of various training tasks, which can be effectively employed in the training of personnel. The MFI simulator and cabin layouts employing saves on the one hand the resource of the expensive equipment, and on the other hand, represents the only opportunity for visual training due to the lack of complex simulators or real samples of military equipment in the training base.

The obtained results of the work may be employed further for the development of the MFI imitators for various types of military equipment.


training simulator, multifunctional indicator, MFI, training tool, SimInTech


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