Algorithm for detecting and classification of objects on a unhomogeneous background for optoelectronic systems

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-129-26


Chernikov A. A.

Scientific Research Institute of Electronic Devices, Novosibirsk, Russia



This article discusses the automatic detection and classification of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and armored vehicles (BT) in the optical flow for optoelectronic systems. The algorithm is able to detect and classify objects in real time against a non-uniform background. Despite the presence of a fairly large number of methods for detecting and localizing objects in images, the solution of this problem to the full extent is still a rather laborious task, which, as a rule, requires manual labor of expert operators, which requires large time costs and may affect the efficiency of detection.

The purpose of the presented work is to increase the efficiency of detecting complex objects of interest against the background for further classification of objects. When detecting the probable location of the object, the two-dimensional wavelet transform algorithm and the DBSCAN spatial clustering algorithm were used. A convolutional neural network was trained to classify the detected object. When training a convolutional neural network, a training sample was prepared, consisting of real and simulated images of objects. The algorithm for automatic detection and classification of objects was developed in Python using the OpenCV library.

At the end of the work, the results of an experimental study of the developed algorithm are presented, on simulated and real images in the infrared range. The presented studies were performed using video image processing methods for object detection and a convolutional neural network for object classification. The proposed algorithm can be used to detect objects against an inhomogeneous background in real time by optoelectronic system in the infrared range.


optoelectronic system, unmanned aerial vehicle, armored vehicles, neural networks


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