Analytical modeling of heat transfer in the elements of the screen-vacuum thermal insulation

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-04
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The article deals with analytical modeling of the screen-vacuum thermal insulation elements (SVTIE) for temperature distribution determining in the composite thermal protection coating. Screen-vacuum thermal insulation is widely used in aerospace engineering, namely in the automatic interplanetary stations, spacecraft, satellites, fuel tanks of launch vehicles. The study of this type of thermal insulation is of prime importance for ensuring safety and service life of aerospace complexes elements throughout their lifetime. High reliability requirements are stipulated by the thermal protection operation under conditions of temperature fluctuations and prolonged exposure to solar radiation. The article considers a four-layer structure in the one-dimensional formulation with the solution of the unsteady thermal conductivity problem based on a two-layer homogeneous rod. The four-layer structure represents a package of a glass fabric and aluminum substrate. The structure is being exposed to a temperature field. It is necessary to find the temperature distribution field in the structure under study and determine the stress-strain state caused by the temperature impact. To determine the temperature field, an unsteady thermal conductivity problem for a four-layer homogeneous rod is being solved. The assumption that deformation is being realized in a prismatic body of theoretically infinite length, loaded by the surface and voluminous forces normal to the z-axis, which intensity does not depend on z, is used for stress-strain state. It is assumed as well that the structure deforms as a whole entity, which corresponds to the Feucht model. Shear deformations are also absent. The article presents the graphs of the temperature field and heat flux distribution along the length of the package as a function of time.
screen-vacuum thermal insulation, temperature, stress-strain stateReferences
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