Conditions of optimality of classical ejectors in the frame of different theories of critical mode

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-05
Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), Zhukovsky, Moscow region, Russia
In this article explores conditions for the optimality of a gas ejector in various theories of the critical mode. Explored three theories: Millionshikov—Ruabinkov theory, Vasiliev theory and Pearson, Holyday and Smith theory. System of equations of critical mode has been investigated on extremum by Lagrange method. New conditions of optimality have been obtained. For theories of Millionshikov—Ruabinkov and Pearson these condition for the optimality is blocking in pipe with flexible boundary and which corresponds to subsonic speed of gas in the place of blocking. New condition for the optimality for Vasiliev theory is equality of static pressures in mixed jets in the place of blocking. In the frame of each theory for a number of values of the reduced speed of active gas has been calculated values of compression ratio for k=0,1 and σ=10. Examination of these figures shows that in the case of classical condition of blocking λ2=1 point with equal static pressures at the entrance of ejector responds to the maximum of compression ratio. In the case of blocking in the pipe with flexible boundaries point with equal static pressures at the entrance of ejector responds to the inflection point of compression ratio curve, but maximum of compression ratio responds to the sonic speed of gas in the entrance of ejector. In the frame of Vasiliev theory has been obtained that the case of equal static pressure in the place of blocking responds to the maximum of compression ratio and this case is different from critical mode. Also has been obtained that in frame of Pearson theory exists the condition of optimality, which differ from the condition of optimality by Vasiliev theory by the presence of an additional term. Although obtained condition is mathematically correct, calculations show that it can’t be realized in real ejector.
gas ejector, compression ratio, ejection coefficient, conditions of optimality, Lagrange method, conditional extremumReferences
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