Algorithm of semantic image segmentation for solving the problem of positionong an aircraft on the Earth`s surface

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-18


Olkina D. S.

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 9, Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russia



This work is devoted to one of the main methodological issues of using the object-oriented approach — choosing the method of segmentation of multichannel images. The methods for determining the approach to the development of a segmentation algorithm are considered, as well as the choice of distinctive features to solve the problem of segmentation of images of the earth’s surface to determine the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in order to position it on the earth’s surface.

The theoretical significance of the study is a numerical study of the formulation of the tasks of segmentation of images by stochastic methods. Of practical importance is obtaining the results of experiments on the segmentation of images of the visible and radio ranges, development of training tools and a software package that solves the problems of segmentation of multichannel images.

The main objectives of the study are to develop a model of neural network segmentation of multichannel images of optical and radio range, сonstruction of the procedure for training segmentation models, obtaining comparative estimates of the computational complexity of algorithms and learning characteristics, hyperparametric optimization of various neural network models, obtaining the main dependencies of training parameters, quality and speed of models. The work uses the neural network of semantic segmentation Bisenet, which allows you to get segmented images of the earth’s surface in real time. For the neural network Bisenet, some hyperparameters were configured: the most suitable optimizer and the best strategy for reducing the learning speed were identified (learning rate).


computer vision, convolutional neural network, segmentation, Bisenet architecture, real-time mode, analogue of inertial navigation


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