On the accuracy of direct georeferentiation of uavs in areas with different climatic conditions

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-126-26


Huseynov H. A.1*, Zulfugarli P. R.1**, Abdurrakhmanova I. H.2

1. Azerbaijan Technical University, 25, Hussein Javid prosp., Baku, 370073, Azerbaijan
2. National Aerospace Agency of Azerbaijan Republic, NASA, 1, Suleyman Sani Akhundov str., Baku, AZ1115, Azerbaijan Republic

*e-mail: tk_xt2001@mail.ru
**e-mail: Peri.rzayeva30@gmail.com


The tasks of carrying out measurements with relatively high temporal and spatial resolution using UAVs can be successfully performed when carrying out accurate georeferentiation of their position, i.e. linking photogrammetric devices to any coordinate system. There are indirect and direct georeferentiation. With indirect georeferencing, the real coordinates of ground control points (GCP) are taken into account and they are compared with the measurement results of these points in the images. With direct georeferentiation, the direct use of known objects in the image is carried out. An unambiguous determination of the optimal density of GCP placement in RTK GPS systems does not seem to be justified, since the total influence of both technical factors and meteorological factors (water vapor, pressure, temperature) is taken into account. This article suggests a way to account for the influence of such a common factor. The definition of such a generalized factor and the assumption that the magnitude of this factor is not constant in space allows us to formulate and solve the optimization problem of calculating the optimal dependence of the GCP placement density on the specified generalized indicator. The accuracy of direct georeferencing of UAVs in zones with different climatic conditions is analyzed. The optimization problem of finding such indicators of georeferentiation of measuring instruments in x and y as the density of GCP placement (control points) and the pedestal of exponential dependence of the error of georeferentiation on the number of established control points is formulated and solved. It is shown that if we assume the presence of an analytical dependence of the number of control points along the flight path on the value of the specified pedestal, then the minimum of the average integral value of the relative error of referencing is achieved with the presence of an inverse logarithmic dependence of the number of control points on the height of the above-marked pedestal.


georeferentiation, unmanned aerial vehicle, measurements, optimization, control points


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