Dynamics and control of cylindrical space debris during contactless ion beam assisted transportation

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-131-04
Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia
e-mail: ledkov@inbox.ru
Space debris poses a serious threat to existing and newly launched spacecraft. One of the prospective ways to this problem solving consists in creation of contactless transportation systems based on the ion beam application generated by the electric thruster of an active spacecraft to affect a space debris object. The purpose of the work is efficiency increasing of the space debris ion beam assisted transportation by accounting for its motion relative to the center of mass specifics. The author developed mathematical models describing a space debris object motion under the impact of gravitational and ion forces, as well as torques for the plane and spatial cases. The study of the unperturbed motion of a space debris object in a circular orbit was performed. The author proposed the ion bean control laws ensuring the space debris stabilization in the equilibrium position and its transition to the required angular motion mode. Angular modes of the unperturbed motion, at which generated ion force was maximum and minimum were determined. Numerical modeling of the space debris object disorbiting was performed, and estimation of the fuel consuming necessary for this transportation operation accomplishing was given. For the space debris object being considered, the difference in fuel between the most favorable and unfavorable angular motion modes was 7.82%.
space debris, ion beam, contactless transportation, active removal, fuel costsReferences
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